Agency > SEO information

SEO information

The SEO information section is a collection of articles and dossiers written by our SEO agency consultants and external SEO specialists. Our resources cover a wide range of SEO-related topics: techniques, tips, data and thoughts on SEO.

By making this information available, we want to share our knowledge and create a source of quality content to make it easier for everyone to learn and understand SEO.

A tender is a procedure whereby several proposals are received and the best one selected. It is an efficient way for companies to choose a supplier or service provider to meet a need.

The specifications for the creation of a website are a formal document, an essential reference for creating a new site or redesigning an existing one. The specifications have a functional and provisional content.

The SEA consultant (SEA stands for Search Engine Advertising) is an expert in paid referencing. They are also known as SEA, because their job is to position their clients’ sites in the SERPs through advertising.

When you create a website, you want it to be seen. Whether it is an e-commerce site, a showcase site, a blog, a general content site, commercial or not…

You’re a company, whether you’re just starting out or already have a bit of experience, and you’re hearing about “SEO” all the time. You are told again and again that an SEO expert will help you…

Ranking on the first page of Google on expressions related to the theme of your website or your e-commerce allows you to reach your core target…

“Your site on the first page of Google”, “50% more traffic”, these are all promises that you have probably seen on the internet. These are obviously very tempting…

Conducting an SEO audit requires a lot of knowledge and skills in SEO. At, we have a long experience in SEO audits…

The price of an SEO service is probably one of the most important questions for a client. It can sometimes be difficult to know where to start, as prices can vary so much…

For your positioning in search engines, for your communication, the DDA (acronym for Domain Name) is one of those elements that are important for your…

The SMX Paris (Search Marketing Expo) is an event that has been held every year in the capital for the past seven years and is the largest web marketing event in France…

According to Behshad Behzadi, an engineer at Google Zurich, voice search is the fastest growing type of search. 55% of teenagers and 41% of adults use voice search.

The loading speed of a web page is officially a ranking criterion on the Google search engine since 2010 on computers, and since 2018 on mobile…

The SMX is an international webmarketing event where many topics are discussed, but it is not exclusively dedicated to SEO…

3 days to become an SEO strategist. The SEO High Level, also called “high level SEO training” is as its name indicates a training in the field of SEO.

Votre site ne s’adresse pas uniquement aux clients français ? Vos pages produits peuvent-être déclinées en plusieurs langues ? Comment alors référencer un site multilingue…

What criteria should you use to find the right agency? How can you get an idea of their expertise? What should you look out for? What will a professional agency never offer you?

Illustrations and photos in Google Images can however reinforce the visibility of a website, while diversifying the origin of its traffic. How to optimize the indexation of your images in search engines, and more particularly in Google?

Are videos and images part of your SEO strategy? It is possible to do the same for your PDF documents. What are the criteria for optimising the indexing of these documents by search engines, and more particularly by Google?

Your Google My Business listing will help you conquer the world. Conquer your local SEO with our tips for optimising your Google My Business listing.

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