Agency > SEO information > Why invest in SEO? What are the benefits?

Why invest in SEO? What are the benefits?

When you create a website, you want it to be seen.

Whether it is an e-commerce oriented site, a showcase site, a blog, a general content site, commercial or not. The fact of publishing a site on the web implies that you are looking for visibility and that you wish to reach a more or less precise target.

SEO benefits for your digital strategy

SEO is a sustainable competitive advantage that enables companies to position themselves as market leaders and generate a significant return on investment in the medium to long term.

Investing in SEO therefore allows you to differentiate yourself from your competitors, improve your brand image and strengthen your credibility with potential customers.

  • Implementing a successful SEO strategy requires a lot of time and knowledge. This is why companies tend to call on a web agency specialised in SEO to manage their referencing. But if you have to invest and spend time on the implementation of an SEO strategy and its maintenance, all the benefits will be free afterwards.
  • The advantage of SEO is that it is sustainable. Once your natural referencing is optimised, it becomes very difficult for a competitor to dislodge you. If it is maintained over time, it is even better, because the reputation of your domain name will grow and it will be even more difficult to match you.
  • Another recurring question concerns the usefulness of investing in Ads campaigns in addition to SEO.
  • This is why the battle for positioning is so fierce these days: everyone wants to rank in the top 10 search results, as it is proven that the vast majority of clicks are made on these results.

However, SEO is not just about improving your search engine rankings. It is also about optimising the user experience, providing quality content and having a presence in the various online communication channels. And unlike advertising campaigns, which have a limited lifespan, the results of SEO continue to pay off in the long term.

SEO strategy for more traffic

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a digital marketing strategy that consists of improving the visibility and ranking of a website in the results of search engines such as Google. By implementing an effective SEO strategy, it is possible to attract targeted and qualified organic traffic to your website.

But search engines are by far the most important means of increasing traffic to a site. Today, it is proven that on average one out of every two visitors comes from a search engine. By optimising your natural referencing, you are theoretically opening the doors to an increase of between 35 and 50% of your current traffic.

There are many ways to generate traffic for a site. You can register in directories, run advertising campaigns via a network, use forums, link exchange systems, social networks and many others.

Ultimately, SEO can be seen as a sustainable competitive advantage. Companies that invest in an effective SEO strategy can expect a steady stream of organic and qualified traffic.

Mistakes to avoid when investing in SEO

Investing in SEO can be very beneficial to a business, but it is important to know how to avoid some common mistakes that can compromise results. Here are some mistakes to avoid when investing in SEO:

  • Not having a clear strategy: Before you start investing in SEO, it is important to have a clear strategy in place. This involves defining specific goals, determining the relevant keywords to target, knowing your target audience and choosing the most appropriate tactics to achieve those goals.
  • Neglecting technical optimisation: Technical optimisation is an essential part of SEO, but is often neglected. Technical errors can prevent search engines from finding and ranking the website, reducing its effectiveness and impacting your entire site.
  • Copying content: Copying content from other websites may seem like a quick and easy way to get more content on your website, but it can have negative consequences for SEO. Search engines can penalise websites that use duplicate content, which can harm their rankings.
  • Not tracking results: Tracking results is essential to measure the effectiveness of SEO efforts. Without regular tracking, it can be difficult to know if the tactics you are implementing are effective and to make adjustments as needed.

By avoiding these mistakes, a company can maximise the benefits of its investment in SEO and achieve lasting results.

SEO brings you qualified traffic

In absolute terms, increasing traffic is a good thing. However, what a site must seek in priority is to increase its qualified traffic. To do this, it is necessary to have a solid knowledge of referencing in order to position a site on precise queries related to the site’s activity.

For example, in our case, the query “SEO” has a much higher volume of monthly searches than the queries “seo agency” or “seo agency Paris” (14,800 compared to 880 and 260 respectively). Being positioned on “SEO” therefore brings us more traffic. However, it is more interesting for us to be positioned on the last two queries. It’s a simple logic.

By having a well-referenced online presence, a business can reach a wider audience than it could through other marketing channels. Search engines are often the first step in the search for information for many internet users, and therefore a major opportunity for businesses to reach new potential customers. In addition, SEO is generally considered more credible than online advertising, which can lead to greater trust in the company and its products or services.

The vast majority of people who search for the term “SEO” do so in search of information and documentation. Whereas the vast majority of people searching for the terms “seo agency” or “paris seo agency” do so in search of… an SEO agency. The positioning on these queries is therefore more relevant in terms of converting our visitors into clients.

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